The end of the swinging sixties? Was it the influence of
flower power and the hippies? The Vietnam War raged on, causing concern and
protest on both sides of the Atlantic. There were revolutions and skirmishes on
mainland Europe that didn't quite make it into the UK though certainly young people
were vocal enough.
Or were we? When I went to visit my bank one day in 1970, my
first year as an undergrad at the University of Sheffield, I had to make my way
through a police cordon. Barclays Bank in
South Africa was segregating employees and customers. I was ambivalent about
this; at least they were serving everybody in one building. Anyway, I needed my
money, so I carried on through. A handful of protesting students arrived a little
later. There were certainly more police than protesters.
On mainland Europe, the revolution continued. Even in 1972-1973
when I completed a year of study abroad, half in France, half in Germany, the
French lecturers were frequently and aggressively on strike. Not about pensions,
pay or workload but about preserving decent educational values and academic
freedom. There have been strikes recently in the UK, perfectly justified ones I
would say, but they were nowhere near as dramatic as what I saw in France back
then. I took the opportunity to go and stay with my aunt and uncle who lived in
Paris. That also was a good education.
I was impressed by one outcome in Germany. It became
recognised in schools that a child's education happens as the result of a three
way partnership: school, home and the child. Everyone would probably agree with
that but here we do it if we can. In Germany
you have to.
Yes, we're this little off-shore island and even our current
membership of the EU isn't as full as it might be: we never did take on the Euro
or the Schengen agreement. Then there is this right of veto. It looks now as if
we're heading for a "soft" Brexit, which though it preserves some of
the advantages for the business world, e.g. customs union and freedom of
movement, cuts us off from others that benefit ordinary people such as protective laws and access to European funds. We
remain on the edge, a little more isolated than before.
I'm a Boomer Remainer and proud of it. I'm on the cusp of getting the T-shirt made.
Many young people, including those who have become eighteen since the
referendum in 2016, wish to remain. Many Leavers have died and several have changed
their mind. Someone must do the maths. Yes, we all know about the "will of
the people". To our youngsters I say remember the spirit of 1968. I'll be right behind you, T-shirt and all. Let's see you politicised and out on the
streets. Yes, it's beginning but is it happening quickly enough?
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