The woman irritates me and embarrasses me. She has no
leadership skills. Her body language is very disturbing. And I mean in proper photos and videos not in
those awfully cruel ones that catch people in awkward frames. Oh, yes something similar appears to happen in
political cartoons but these are far more considered and although they laugh at
politicians, the bigger ones will be able to laugh with them.
That woman, though, anyway:
She talks utter garbage. Global citizens =
citizens of nowhere. Madam, they are
citizens of everywhere. She waffles harmlessly a lot of the time but it achieves
She tries to behave like a man in order to
impress as a woman. And she fails. She impresses no one.
She has bought into the despicable game that
many politicians play. Anything to stay in power. Yet she was Remain, and along with many other MPs,
knows full well that that Remain secures our future and Brexit ruins it. Even
if she and I are wrong about that, how can one in such an important position go
against their own conscience? As a democratically elected MP she has the duty
to act in our best interests.
She wants to tinker with Human Rights. Has she actually read them? There is nothing in
them that prevents us from dealing effectively with terrorists and other antisocial
people. It was very gauche of her to bring this all down to an anecdote about a
man and his cat.
Thatcher made her mark, and love her or hate and
her policies, we have to admit that she made an impression and showed us that
women can lead – although she also behaved like a man. But Tess, my love,
you're embarrassing yourself and me and I suspect countless other women. Live
up to what my mother-in-law used to say.
"I don't want to have equality with men. I prefer to remain
superior." It shouldn't be too difficult to be superior to that bunch of
clowns, though John Major and Ken Clarke may prove to be difficult. I could forgive
you for failing there.
Yes, she has a tough job. I don't
deny it. I do admire her tenacity but also think it's wise to know when to give
But there's a problem; unless we
have another election who will replace her? Moggsy or BJ? Buffoons the pair of them but dangerous ones
from the Old Boys' Network.
So what are we going to do about Tess?
Is it time for an intervention?