My friend Ella Burton posted on Facebook recently about this
topic. Ella, if you’re reading this, do chip in.
I’d like to say first of all that I am very glad to be British
or even English. There is much to be thankful for there. We have fantastic
literature and drama and incredible tolerance for the most part. Others laugh
at us sometimes for our pragmatism aka “stiff upper lip” but it has its uses.
However, what exactly does it mean to be British?
Visitors from the mainland may have found it even trickier
to get across the channel than the mountain and rivers I mentioned in my
previous post. Maybe it was the challenge that made people all the more
determined. So each time the island was invaded. There was no gentle Völkerwanderung
and gradual exchange at the borders.
Have any of you traced your ancestry back or had your DNA
analysed? Are you more Saxon or Norman? Do you have some Viking in you? Or are
you a Great Dane? Specifically, perhaps related to those from Jutland, the
Juts. They came too. The Romans came and civilised us. Well, at least they brought us sanitation and
central heating. They went home again and we forgot about it. They disappeared.
Or do you have true Angle blood? They had quite a bit of influence. It’s where
we get the word English from.
The Romans’ language is interesting. Latin gradually died
away apart from in the Catholic Church. There
is some irony there. The Romans gave up their gods and took on the Christian
one. They left their language with the new religion.
There are some more interesting linguistic factors here:
William the Conqueror encouraged his men to speak
English rather than the Norman French they normally spoke. He didn’t approve of
the latter. Goodness knows what sort of English they learnt, though. Good old
English is difficult to spell / read. Just look
at this sequence of words if you don’t believe me: cow, cough, bough, bow.
Spanish and German are much easier. What you see is what you get, more or less,
with those languages. In English, spelling and pronunciation is determined by which
base language the words came from. There were many base languages because there
were many invasions.
English is not inflected. We use word order rather
than inflections to convey meaning. German and Latin use inflections. This is
in part because of the melting-pot effect. It is easy to pick up and teach vocabulary.
You point at the horse, say the word “horse” and everybody gets it. If there are several words for horse you probably
pick the easiest to say or the nicest sounding. Then you agree on a common word
order: Subject, verb, object. I ride the horse.
English has no authority governing it. The
Oxford English Dictionary attempts to record it accurately. Fowler advises us
on usage. Grammar is important as it makes the language clear and gives it its
backbone. This is true in any language. On the whole, though, English is
allowed to develop freely. This is great because language aids thinking.
Spanish and Welsh share the same intonation,
several words, the stress on the penultimate syllable of a word, and almost all
the same extra letters in the alphabets. The Spanish and Welsh “ll” sound very
different but you make the same shape in your mouth. The tongue is further back
for Welsh. Celts are believed to be fair-skinned people who migrated from
Are we complete mongrels then? Or do we prefer to think we have
been blended smoothly together in a great big melting pot? Either image works
for me. Mongrels are often more robust than highly-bred pedigree dogs. Soups
made from everything you can find in the pantry are delicious. Being British
means already being a mixture of many other European nationalities.
The melting pot has got bigger, fortunately not because of
any further hostile invasions, but because of a legal right of citizens from other
EU states and Commonwealth countries to come and live and work here and because
we grant asylum to many people forced to leave their own countries in difficult
Interesting that Liverpool, London and Manchester are used
to these people. The people there seem to like the melting pot effect. We should
remember as well that those from other EU states and those given asylum, although
they pay taxes and live in the UK, have no right to vote in general elections
and referendums. The old melting-pot populations
of Manchester and Liverpool are predominantly white working class.
Makes you proud to live in Manchester, doesn’t it?
And maybe we’re so good at literature and drama and
tolerance because we’ve blended in the pot. Long may it continue to cook.